Facility Management Systemsin Healthcare
April 11, 2022 2022-04-27 2:53Facility Management Systems<span class='new-line'>in Healthcare
Facility Management Systemsin Healthcare
Developing and Implementing an Effective Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in Hospitals
7-9 June 2022 via Zoom
10AM - 2PM
How do we ensure that the hospital building is safe and has the ability to offer uninterrupted care for the long term? A Health Buildings Risk Assessment allows prioritizing and creating a performance improvement plan that optimizes capital and operational expenditures. Critical equipment failure brings unexpected costs and the possible loss of revenue-generating services. It can significantly impact patient care/satisfaction and employee safety, while increasing exposure to litigation and negative public relations.
The so-called Environment of Care standards require hospitals to maintain their buildings and understand the health of their utility systems. Another concern is during times of climatic disasters, people often make it a point to head to local hospitals in the hopes of finding safety from the storm or earthquake. However, some investigation reports that it has become apparent that flocking to nearby hospitals may not be the safest option, especially when so many people do it. Studies found that most hospitals have out of date generators, which are often placed in poor locations, and many other factors that could lead to complications within the building.
Other issues include the loss of infrastructure, such as electronic records, a shortage of workforce due to migration, or injury, or illness, as well as a drastic increase in the number of patients with severe illnesses or injuries. This workshop will discuss various Facility Management and Safety issues that cover important topics such as: Leadership and Planning, Security, Hazardous Materials and Waste Management, Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety, Utility Systems, Facility Management Program Monitoring, Inventory Management, and Organizational Safety.
- A pre-course reading material to be sent to the participants one week before the commencement of the course
- A 3-day (14 hours) online face-to-face session plus case discussion starting with a pre-test questionnaire
- A post-course group work and discussion to evaluate course outcome, followed by post-test questionnaire
Multidisciplinary Health Workers (Doctors – ID specialists, Microbiologists, Pharmacists, Administrators, Internists, Intensivists, Surgeons, Quality & Safety Persons)
Day 1: 7 June
- Checklists for Facilities Management Systems
2. Survey Preparation Tools
Customizing Tools
3. Analyzing Data from Tools
Completing a Proactive Facility Risk Assessment Preparation and Completion of Facility Inspection Tour that includes Infection Control issues due to COVID in areas such as ICU, Surgery, CSSD, Laboratory
Performance Monitoring focusing on the Seven (7) Management Plans – Fire Safety, Disaster Management, Utilities, Security, Hazardous Materials & Waste, Organizational Safety, HVA
Independent Entities – leased or rented spaces [gift shops, coffee shop, food services, banks, etc.] as potential setting for spread of COVID
Day 2: 8 June
by Ms. Joyce Socao-Alumno
Group Exercise:
Conduct a Targeted Facility Inspection Tour with simulation
1. Fire Prevention and Early Detection
2. Local Requirements and Codes
1. Hazard Vulnerability Analysis to Determine Types Likelihood, and Consequences of Hazards, Threats, and Events
2. Testing Fire Safety
Day 3: 9 June
Ms. Joyce Socao-Alumno
President & CEO, HealthCore
Group Exercise: Tabletop Disaster Drill
Identifying Utilities Which Pose Highest Risk to Patients and Implementing Necessary Interventions to Minimize Risk
Dialysis, procedural departments, CSSD
Group Exercise: List Key Utilities for Typical Hospital and
Identify “Best Practice” Back Up Plans
Philippine Participants
Course Materials
E-Certificate upon Completion
International Participants
Course Materials
E-Certificate upon Completion

Thomas Kozlowski, PhD is the CEO of Health Strategic Solutions, LLC in the US. With over 40 years of experience in healthcare management, he is seen as a healthcare executive who works within a global market allowing his leadership skills and knowledge to attain institutional success and be a trusted advisor. His expertise in the understanding of cultural and institutional differences continue to be key improvement issues for the C-Suite leadership in the healthcare delivery system workplace in all countries and cultures allowing Dr. Kozlowski to emerge with comprehensive solutions from different perspectives at the decision table.
Dr. Thomas Kozlowski worked with Joint Commission Resources/Joint Commission International as a Principal Consultant and subsequently consulted with both domestic and international health care organizations in the areas of accreditation readiness and standards compliance. Also served as lecturer and mentor in Quality and Safety Implementation.
Dr. Kozlowski’s consulting expertise in hospital, ambulatory care, behavioral health care, and long- term care settings include operational assessment; patient safety assessment; environment of care; executive leadership and governing bodies; performance improvement; implementation strategies for rapid response teams; electronic health record assessment; and incorporating tracer methodology and the periodic performance review as management tools.
Program Director

Prof. Joyce Socao-Alumno is the Founder & President of HealthCore—the center for global healthcare management, quality accreditation for healthcare and hospitality, and medical tourism services in the Philippines. Ms. Alumno is Patient Safety Ambassador for Patient Safety Movement Foundation advocating patient safety initiatives and globalization of healthcare and is a leading proponent of Medical and Wellness Tourism. Her varied skills make her a well-sought after consultant and speaker in many international conferences and a regular judge and advisor for various organizations. She has represented international quality accreditation agencies such as Quality & Accreditation Institute, Joint Commission International, Accreditation Canada, NABH International, Swiss Approval International, and TEMOS. She is an Adjunct Professor at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business and a certified ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor. Very recently, she was elected President of the Health, Retirement & Tourism (HeaRT) Alliance of the Philippines advocating the development and promotion of the Philippine Health Tourism program of the country.